Vicente March y Marco
a painter of XIX century

He was born in Valencia on 27th in December in 1.859, and he is educated artistically in San Carlos Art College in this city, having as teachers Gonzalo Salvá and Francisco Dominguez Marqués.
In 1.876 he is competitor as a boarding school in Rome with the canvas Landing in Valencia of Francisco the 1st after the defeat of Pavía, obtainig the second place, so he was animated by his teacher Francisco Domingo, in 1.887 he moved to Rome on his own, having as travel partner Constantino Gómez.
When he arrived to Rome he set up in the Palazzo Patrizi workshop, sited at 53-B of the old known Via Margutta, sharing studio with several spanish artists, the best par of all them valencians, among them Poveda, Peyró, Puig Rodá, Pedro Serrano, Sánchez Barbudo, Manuel Muñoz Casas, and the brothers Benlliure to whom were close joined with a good relationship forever, ending his artistic studies in the Chigi Academy.
In Italy, during summer, he spend long seasons in Venice, in Naples, in Asis with the Benlliure´s and mainly in Subiaco, a medieval town near Anticoli Corrado, this last one the residence of his friend and partner Mariano Barbasán.
He was influenced by the artistic air of the Spanish artists in Rome, he grew up the Italian genre themes of the 17th and 18th centuries. Later and because of a travel round Morocco and Egypt developed a state of Morocco and Orientalism scenes.
In 1.881 obtained the silver medal of the Valencian Local Exposition with the canvas A Sight to the Studio.
From 1888 he usually shows in Berlin and Munich, reaching several rewards.
In 1.893 his painting in water-colour The Spinner reach the gold medal in the National Exposition in Rome.
In 1.903 he works for the albums which are dedicated to Real Majesty of Spain and The Imperial Dignity of Germany.
In 1.903, nearly when he got married, left Rome and set up in a very close little town from Xátiva where his brother Raphael, pharmacist, whas living and his wife relatives. There he followed his works of art until he died on 13th in March in 1.927. Before his death, he was rewarded by the Spanish authorities as Nobleman of the Real Order of Charles III.
The wide of his work-art is distributed over Germany, Belgium, Braqzil, England, United State, Argentina, France and Sweden, so there are little work finished left in Spain, being these last ones in particular collector hands and the painter relatives. Anyway there are excellent photography from his work-art, they were taken by himself because he was a big amateur.
In March 1.994, the Town Hall of Subiaco, showed an exposition from his work-art, including his own photography work about the Subiaco life at the end of 19th cetury, choosing this Town Hall the painting in water colour The Spinner to promote the local cultural and tourism, sending some of them to several national and international personalities, like The Real British House and the actress Gina Lollobrigida native of this town. View video clip
Among his work-art we could admire besides the last one above: A baptism in Spain, The three ages, The Saltimbanque, The fruit seller, In the market, Subiaco market square, La Ciociara,Fighting with cocks in Algiers, Blindman´s buff, Small village musician, The Egyptian woman, Music lesson, Visiting to the child house, The slave woman, An Arabian elder reading, The grandfather, The prologue, The Almeh, A farmer, Yes, he will come, Countrymen and The flower market in Valencia.